Saturday, October 20, 2007

In honour of the Springboks Rugby World Cup victory.

This rather interesting piece of art depicts the old and new faces of South Africa. It shows where we are, and reminds us where we come from.

My post today, of the new flag is to say Well Done ama bokke bokke for winning the Rugby World Cup 2007!!

While the people of South Africa may have many differences, we are united in support of our team, and tonight, our team did us proud.

Ama Bokke Bokke was a local nickname given to the Springbok Rugby team in 1995, when we hosted the World Cup.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your victory! If we couldn't have it - at least its back in the Southern Hemisphere! I think most of New Zealand was backing the Springboks (sorry English supporters).

Kerry-Anne said...

What an awesome evening that was! I'm sure it was the same in Durban - people running in the street, everyone hooting like mad, flags flying all over. Let's hope the thrill lasts a long while! :)

duopastorale said...

OK OK!! Congratulations!

Kate said...


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

A beautiful photo of a striking art piece, very nice. And congratulations! :-D