Sunday, April 27, 2008

Unusual place for a church.

Seems Glenridge Church has finally found a permanent home, this time its above the Durban Station. At first it sounds like rather a strange place for a church, but on second thoughts one can see the benefits.

Parking is no problem. Very few trains run on a Sunday, and the other businesses which share this roof-top are closed, so there's plenty of parking for the congregation.

No disturbance. The congreqation are free to sing their praises without fear of offending those who don't share their beliefs. No one can hear them.

Zim update: The ship carrying arms destined for Zim has been recalled by China. It has docked in Angola to offload the Angolan orders, and to refuel. No arms will be offloaded, or sent to Zim. This is a small victory for democracy.
The recount is almost done, with only one extra seat going to the ruling party, but not enough to make any significant change to the ultimate result.
Many other African leaders are calling Robert Mugabe to step down without further incident, but who knows what he will do.


Shannon said...

Oh my, this is a blast from the past. I attended Glendridge Church for years - even earlier when it was called something else.. The Open Church? No. The ... oh! INVIZ! The Invisible Church! And then we met at the highschool for ages and then downtown...

They were a great group of people and I miss the community it provided. Now, as a US-based buddhist I am not likely to return to Glenridge but I wish them well in their new home.

Anonymous said...

Amen to all that. Sounds like a good idea to me to use the available space.