Saturday, May 24, 2008

Smallest church in the world.

Since I'm not in Durban this weekend, I thought I'd give you a glimpse of other places in my beautiful country.

At the top of Van Reenen's pass is the smallest church in the world.

The Llandaff Oratory chapel was built by his father, to honour his son, Llandaff Matthew, aged 28, who gave his life to save those of others at Burnside Colliery on March 19th 1925.

It has seating capacity for 8 people.

Tomorrow, I'll take you inside.


Dina said...

Interesting! I guess sometimes less is more.
You're invited to come visit our churches in Jerusalem, or at least via my blog.
Enjoy sky watching. Shalom.

Profile Not Available said...

This is a beautiful little chapel, and such a touching tribute. I will be back tomorrow to tour the inside!

Jane Hards Photography said...

So tiny. What an interesting place. Really will have to look inside.

Unknown said...

would it be possible to use this as a intimate wedding and reception venue.

If so please furnish me with contact details.

thank you