Monday, June 23, 2008

Aloe, Aloe!

For many years the aloe featured on our 1c stamp. Unfortunately snail mail costs have risen so much, there is no longer a need for a 1c stamp. Fortunately, we have email, so I hardly use stamps anyway.

If you enlarge the picture, you'll see the birds were also enjoying this flower.

While we are remembering the past ... if you grew up listening to Sprinkbok Radio you may be interested to know that The Springbok Radio Presevation Society will re-broadcast many of the old programs over the internet, starting on July 1 2008. Take a look at their website to get all the details.

One of my favouries was the Pip Freedman show. His excellent immitation of the Cape Coloured accent and their view of the world, were always so funny. If there is one thing so many of us South Africans are good at, its enjoying our differences and laughing at ourselves.


Susan said...

I love it blown up-the bird, the fantastic details, the colour variange...nice one!

Jane Hards Photography said...

To me this is such an unusual tree. The detail enlarged is fabulous, those birds wonderful. Really great image.

sam said...

that is a particularly good aloe photo, great composition! And thanks for the blast from the past. I did French at school in Zim, and when we came here in the late 70s I learned my somewhat inadequate Afrikaans by listening to Springbok radio and hearing the same ads in both languages.