Friday, June 27, 2008

The storm is waiting.

A photo without an obvious subject must have some other attraction.  Now that I feel so comfortable on the back of a bike on our bike breakfast runs I'm able to take snaps of the scenery.  Most of the time the pics are a bit of a blur, but occasionally I get something I like. 

This one appeals because of the mood resulting from the contrast of the sun lighting up the foreground, and the dark and gloomy skies in the background.

The trip didn't last too long, because the gloomy clouds won that time.

Zim Update:  While Mr Mugabe has many degrees to his name, it's now very obvious he missed the lectures - especially those where they taught about "One man, One Vote!"

Note to Mr Robert Mugabe:  One Man One Vote does not mean having an election with only yourself as a candidate, then force everyone to vote for only you, and still claim victory!  When you're the only one in the race - while you may take first place, you also very clearly take last place, with the overall result being that there is no clear winner.

Ok, enough bad news.  Our Mr Nelson Madela is now a very sprightly 90years old, and will be honoured in London with the 46664 concert.

Note to Mr Mandela:  You are the sunshine in our gloomy continent.  Lets hope your light will win the day on our continent.

For more skywatch Friday's visit Wiggers World.


SandyCarlson said...

I love the lighting here. You did great from the back of the bike!

Anonymous said...

I'm back ...
Oh no, cried blog world ... he's back!

But guess what, I'm glad I decided to make a comeback.
If I didn´t rejoin SWF I would never have the chance to see this great photo!

Profile Not Available said...

I really enjoyed reading your post today. Your observations ring very true.

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Finland and light nights :)
My young relative girl is living in South Africa with his boyfriend and we read of course now even more carefully news from there.
Lighting is really interesting in your photo.Did you get a bad storm?

Lara said...

a great post! what an impressive sky!

j said...

I would be scared to see that while riding on a piece of metal - just LOOKS like lightening is going to pop any moment.

Be blessed.


CrazyCow said...

Thanks for all the comments.

Yes this was taken from the back of the bike.

We met the other riders, and after taking a serious look at the dark clouds all around, decided to call off the ride for the day.

As it happened the storm didn't break over us, but there was some rain, so we were better off indoors.

Eki said...

I think it's the lines and the perspective that make this photo interesting - eye catching. ^_^

Greeetings from Bandung.

Anonymous said...

Very nice post. Love it.

Tom said...

Just to let you know I have visited and seen your post. I thank you for joining in this week and being part of the Sky Watch community.
Tom :O)

Petunia said...

Nice post and shot today!

Petunia's SWF

Unknown said...

Great capture for sky watch!
Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

nice picture. love the black clouds

Rose said...

I really like this photo--it just seems to invite me to step into it.

Angie said...

A really beautiful photo, I wish I had been on the back of the bike!

Anonymous said...

I just love it when the sky looks like that! So ominous looking.

Pat - Arkansas said...

An interesting and informative post, and a lovely photo as well. It's good for us (on the other side of the world) to read about how things *really* are in other places. Thanks!