Every home in South Africa needs a significant degree of security. A high fence, even one topped with razor wire, and a locked gate is just not sufficient these days. Add in security lights, alarm systems, then supply armed response, and people start to relax a little.
There are a few major security companies, all of which provide armed response as part of the service. Drive down any street and you will see most houses sporting a board showing which company the occupants will rely on in a crisis.
These boards also indicate to the patrolling security personell which houses should get their attention.
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Through the Transkei
Up early again, cos everyone's itching to get through the Transkei. When
the bikes start revving, you know you'd better hurry, or you could be left
16 years ago
i can´t find your blog in blogger´s choise awards. What are you nominate for?
Nice blue and an interesting story behind it.
Interesting submission to theme day, nice photo.
Port Angeles Daily Photo
What are you protecting yourselves from? I admit to being ignorant on this issue. It looks to be very impressive security.....
Security systems are always a good idea. It is clever to use the barbed wire as part of the photo!
A dose of reality ... nice choice
Thanks to all who visited, and especially those who left comments. Much appreciated.
maria elisa - thanks for trying to vote for me. Hopefully I've now set things up correctly and you should find me under the photography section.
neva - South Africa is like a rose garden. We have a beautiful country with excellent weather and wonderful people. We have so much diversity in terms of culture, colour, creed and creativity. However, as with any rose garden, amongst all that beauty are the thorns which wreak havoc. Our thorns are the criminals who create a serious problem as a result of their greed, and cause each of us live in our own little jail, in order to feel safe. The upside.... If you're in the security business, or a sell razor wire, you can't go wrong.
Wow, this is a co-incidence, and your picture would have been a perfect illustration, I blogged about the crime situation in SA on Friday and Saturday! Clever take on the blue theme!
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