The Umbilo River runs through the Paradise Valley Nature Reserve. After a short walk along the Duiker trail, you reach the bridges of the N3, the national road between Durban and Johannesburg. Fortunately they are on stilts, so apart from the concrete pillars, one is totally unaware of the heavy traffic passing by overhead.
The footbridge however, is wooden, on stone pillars, which fits in very well with the rest of the surroundings.
This nature reserve is perfectly named - Paradise Valley - it feels like a little piece of heaven in the middle of the concrete jungle.
December's theme day is Bridges.
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Through the Transkei
Up early again, cos everyone's itching to get through the Transkei. When
the bikes start revving, you know you'd better hurry, or you could be left
16 years ago
Wonderful! Two bridge and all that beautiful tumbling water. Love it.
This footbridge looks very naturalistic, integrated well with the surroundings.
Two bridges for the price of one! Excellent!
Norwich Daily Photo
The Goddess In You
Your Love Coach
It's very nice to have such a foot bridge in reserve. It's looks like a nice place to hike.
Really a very nice scene.
Paradise Valley - lovely
What a contrast between lovely nature and man-made concrete jungle!
Yes, the contrast struck me too....and the way it is hard to REALLY "get away from it all" even in beautiful places.
I love the two bridges together!
cool shot, nice angle on the old and new, and the rapids in the foreground are great!
Vraiment paradisiaque.
Heaven I could enjoy !
Great contrast. I like it a lot
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