Sun, sea, beach, a deck chair, and an umbrella. What more could anyone ask for at this time of the year.
Remember: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Enjoy every minute.
While I didn't participate in the January Theme day, these 118 City Daily Photo bloggers did. Take a few minutes to enjoy some amazing pics.
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Through the Transkei
Up early again, cos everyone's itching to get through the Transkei. When
the bikes start revving, you know you'd better hurry, or you could be left
16 years ago
This is a perfect Theme Day photo, making we who are icebound very jealous. Not long for me, tho, since Saturday we fly away to Mazatlán, México. I think I'll post a few beach scenes from there again, too!! Cheers for 2008!
Nice photo and v nice sentiment.
Happy new year to you!
Superbe the blue sea and the blue umbrella
Happy new year
Now this is a great way to start the New Year.
Have a great 2008.
Happy New Year CC! Your post title reminds me of the Braaivleis, rugby sunny skies and chevrolet ad from the 70s...... have you noticed it has been hijacked by Checkers, for radio ads, wonder how they got away with it?
Thanks for the comments one and all.
Kate - sometimes when we are melting here in the heat and humidity, I am very jealous of the snow I seen in other parts of the world. But then the temperatures drop a little later in the year, and I'm really pleased I live where I do.
Sam - I remember that song well, it was so catchy its difficult to forget. Maybe they get away with it because everyone enjoys it so much nobody minds. :-)
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