Friday, June 6, 2008

Liberating BP.

The story goes, that the owners/tenants of the top floor of a commercial building are entitled to name the building.

A number of years ago, the BP Center was a really ugly concrete structure, and always looked like half a building. As though there was an intention to build the second tower, but no-one had ever bothered to complete it.

Construction began in the late 90's when Liberty Life moved into the top floor. This consisted of completing the lef hand side, and giving the whole building a pretty face of white tiles.

I must agree this was a vast improvement.

Today I tried something different with this photo in blogger, so am keen to know the effects on you the viewer.

  1. The picture was slightly cropped, removing only a little of the sky - although I always love a beautiful blue sky, it wasn't adding anything to this pic.
  2. The pic is physically size of the pic is approx 2700 x 1700, and is 454kb in size.
I normally reduce the size of the picture to either 800 or 1024px wide.

So, I'd like to know if this has made any differnence on your side. Are you still able to view it in blogger? Does it take more time to load? Any other problems with the viewing?

My aim is to provide a larger picture when you click to view, but don't want to do that if it makes viewing the blog problematic for some.


Shannon said...

It loaded quickly for me and it was nice to be able to click and see the tiles and the facade in detail. None of that was visible in the smaller photo.

I have a DSL connection which is very fast. We can watch movies and download programs.

CrazyCow said...

Thank you Shannon